Saturday 7 November 2015

Dota Agility Heroes

Heroes are the essential element of Dota 2, as the course of the game is dependent on their intervention. Players are split into two teams of 5, and can select a Hero from a selection panel. Heroes all have different play styles that stem from unique abilities and combinations of attributes. Over the course of the game, Heroes will accumulate experience. Once a Hero has enough experience, they will level up, making them more powerful than before and allowing them to level up new abilities. Most Heroes have a distinct role that defines how they can affect the battlefield, though many Heroes can perform two or more of these Roles.
Agility Heroes Icon Agi.png
Agility Heroes are finessed and dexterous, masters of weapons and fighting techniques. These Heroes have high attack speed and Armor, and focus on using their regular attacks and any Items they have, but can fall back on their abilities in a pinch. Agility Heroes will often be played as carry and gank roles, because of how well they scale.
Deadly and elusive, Anti-Mage blinks through combat, using his Mana Break to devastate enemy casters and then finishing them with his Mana Void, hoping to bring an end to magic.
Thirsty for blood, Strygwyr the Bloodseeker will chase down heavily damaged enemies, healing himself for each unit he kills and Rupturing foes that try to escape.
Drow Ranger
Traxex the Drow Ranger is a fierce archer, slowing targets with Frost Arrows and silencing dangerous ones in a gust of icy wind, while striking them for colossal damage.
Shadow Fiend
Nevermore blasts his enemies with his powerful Shadowrazes, consuming their mortal coil for enormous attack damage and unleashing huge power with his Requiem of Souls.
Yurnero the feared Juggernaut attacks with a flurry of blades, spinning into enemies with Blade Fury and slicing his foes with a fierce Omnislash.
Quick as lightning, the Lightning Revenant can channel the electricity in him to sap the strength of his enemies and call upon the Eye of the Storm to ravage enemies and buildings alike, calling them down to the dreadful Narrow Maze.
Princess Mirana is a skilled huntress, hitting enemies with well timed Arrows and calling upon powerful Starstorms that strikes every opponent near her; cloaking her allies in a lunar shroud to escape certain death or pull off a surprise attack.
Insidious and serpentine, Lesale the Venomancer summons lethal Plague Wards, poisons enemies with a Venomous Gale, and infects all nearby foes with his Poison Nova for huge damage.
As versatile as the tides, Morphling takes on whatever form it needs for battle, Replicating Heroes and taking their positions to create havoc for his enemies.
Faceless Void
Time stops for no one, except Faceless Void. Darkterror manipulates time to hinder enemies and avoid harm, trapping foes and allies alike in a timeless Chronosphere.
Phantom Lancer
Azwraith the Phantom Lancer wields a magical lance, creating a phantom army of himself wherever he attacks, and crushes his opponents through sheer and overwhelming numbers.
Phantom Assassin
A Sister of the Veil with a divine purpose, Mortred stalks her prey without being detected, then slaughters them in a heartbeat with a sanguine Coup de Grâce.
Vengeful Spirit
Crippling enemies with stuns and debuffs, and recklessly endangering herself to save her allies, Vengeful Spirit fights selflessly to sate her thirst for revenge.
Striking from above, Viper the Netherdrake pins down singular targets, almost completely stopping them in their tracks with his virulent toxin and his deadly signature Viper Strike.
Silent and mysterious as smoke, the Stealth Assassin Riki stalks the battlefield using cunning and stealth to Backstab enemies under the veil of his Permanent Invisibility.
Tormented by a longevity spell that backfired horribly, Clinkz the Bone Fletcher is eager to get his revenge, and will do so by strafing his enemies with Searing Arrows, burning them down to ashes.
Kardel the Sniper is one with his rifle, blasting his enemies’ heads with incredible accuracy and Assassinating rivals from impossible distances.
The Broodmother spawns her bloodthirsty Spiderlings and Spins Webs to conceal her own presence, striking her enemies down in an Insatiable Hunger with help from her army of devoted children.
Templar Assassin
In defense of the temple, the assassin Lanaya is able to lay Traps for the unwary, Meld into the shadows, and strike devastating blows with her Psionic Blades.
Scuttling around the battleground unseen at high speeds, Skitskur the Weaver kills his prey quickly, and manipulates time to undo damage to himself.
Luna prefers to fight at night. The Moon Rider runs in and burns her enemies with Lucent Beams and cripples them with ricocheting Moon Glaives, before obliterating them in an Eclipse.
A confused and dangerous entity from another plane, the Spectre can be anywhere and everywhere at once, and running from her is futile.
Bounty Hunter
A cunning hunter, Gondar the Bounty Hunter Tracks and collects the bounties on the heads of his enemies, striking from the shadows, crippling them with his powerful Jinada, and tossing a Shuriken to finish the job.
A conniving Geomancer who uses the power of many to outmaneuver and out-level his opponents, pummeling them with disables and burst damage.
A powerful ursine warrior who gains more damage with every attack, and tears unsuspecting opponents to shreds in the blink of an eye.
Nyx Assassin
True to his title, the Nyx Assassin stalks his chosen prey and obliterates them in the name of his dark goddess, punishing enemies foolish enough to strike back at him.
Aurel is back from retirement! Armed with explosives and special ammunition, foolish youngsters don’t stand a chance against him.
As slippery as you could imagine, Slark is a sneaky assassin who kills quickly and is almost impossible to pin down.
Lone Druid
An exile with a sacred purpose, the Lone Druid Sylla fights alongside his trusted Spirit Bear, with the ability to morph into a powerful melee beast himself in order to destroy his foes.
Knowing that the only true beauty is power, the hideous Gorgon Medusa uses her mana pool as a shield, steals mana with her snakes and turns enemies into stone with a mere glance, then destroys all of her assailants at once.
Naga Siren
Slithice the Naga Siren fights again to restore her lost honor. Armed with powerful disabling abilities and the dreaded Song of the Siren, she and her choir of illusions crescendo to horrifying power like the rising tide.
Terrorblade the Demon Marauder unleashes the fears of opponents unto themselves, reflecting their inner demons and summoning forth his own to fight alongside him in battle.
Troll Warlord
An ill-tempered troll , Jah’rakal the Troll Warlord is blessed by increasing attack speed, and the skill to swap between both melee and ranged attacks.
Ember Spirit
Fire is the best teacher, and Xin is eager to teach his enemies the power of flames with searing chains, a blazing shield and the strength of scorching remnants of fire.

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